Information About Highwood, Illinois USA

Highwood is a small suburban city located in Lake County, Illinois, United States. It is situated approximately 25 miles north of Chicago and covers an area of approximately 0.8 square miles. The city has a population of over 5,000 people and is known for its lively downtown area, restaurants, and community events.

History: Highwood was originally founded as a railroad town in the late 1800s. The city grew rapidly during the early 20th century, as many immigrants from Italy and other European countries settled in the area. Today, Highwood is known for its vibrant downtown area, which features a variety of restaurants and shops.

Geography: Highwood is located along the shore of Lake Michigan, just south of Highland Park. The city is surrounded by forested hills and is situated on the Highland Park moraine. The nearby Skokie River flows through the city, providing a natural boundary to the west.

Climate: Highwood has a humid continental climate, characterized by hot summers and cold winters. The average temperature in the summer months is around 80°F, while in the winter, temperatures typically range from 15-35°F. The city experiences precipitation throughout the year, with an annual average of around 40 inches of rainfall and 35 inches of snowfall.

Demographics: Highwood is a diverse community, with a mix of ethnicities and religions represented. According to the 2020 census, the city has a population of approximately 5,200 people, with over 50% identifying as Hispanic or Latino, 40% as White, and 3% as Asian. The city also has a large Italian population, with several Italian restaurants and businesses located within its boundaries.

Economy: Highwood's economy is primarily based on restaurants, retail, and manufacturing. The city is home to a variety of restaurants, ranging from traditional Italian cuisine to trendy bistros and cafes. The city's retail sector is served by several shopping centers, including the Highwood Plaza and the Everts Park Market. The city also has several manufacturing companies, including a metal fabricator and a food processor.

Education: Highwood is served by North Shore School District 112 and Township High School District 113. The city is also home to St. James Catholic School, a private school serving students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Highwood is also home to the Highwood Public Library, which serves the city and surrounding communities.

Culture: Highwood is known for its lively downtown area and community events. The city hosts several festivals throughout the year, including the Garlic Fest, the Bloody Mary Fest, and the Pumpkin Fest. The city's restaurants and bars also host live music and other entertainment throughout the year. Highwood is also home to several parks and recreation areas, including Everts Park and the Highwood Recreation Center.

Overall, Highwood is a small but vibrant community with a rich history and strong sense of community pride. Its location on Lake Michigan and proximity to Chicago make it a popular destination for both residents and visitors. The city's diverse population, lively downtown area, and community events make it a unique and dynamic place to live and visit.