
Mayotte is an overseas department and region of France located in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa. Situated between Madagascar and the African mainland, Mayotte's capital city is Mamoudzou.

Renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, Mayotte boasts pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and turquoise waters. The island offers exceptional opportunities for diving, snorkeling, and engaging in various water sports. The local culture is a unique fusion of African, French, and Malagasy influences, resulting in a vibrant and diverse community. Mayotte is home to a diverse marine ecosystem, including sea turtles, dolphins, and humpback whales, making it a sought-after destination for eco-tourism. With its warm climate, welcoming locals, and rich cultural heritage, Mayotte is a captivating destination for all types of visitors.

Mayotte: Profiles