
Cambodia is a Southeast Asian country that shares borders with Thailand to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. The capital and largest city of Cambodia is Phnom Penh.

Renowned for its rich history, Cambodia is a treasure trove of ancient temples and a vibrant culture. Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stands as a testament to the country's glorious past. Visitors can marvel at the awe-inspiring temple complexes like Bayon and Ta Prohm, which feature intricate carvings and are enveloped by lush jungles. These architectural wonders offer a glimpse into the grandeur of the Khmer Empire.

Beyond its historical sites, Cambodia also boasts breathtaking landscapes, including tropical rainforests and scenic rivers. The country's coastal areas, along the Gulf of Thailand, are home to serene beaches and charming fishing villages. Cambodia's people are known for their warm hospitality and contribute to the country's vibrant cultural tapestry.